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duminică, 21 noiembrie 2010

O prezentare CRV Graphics

CRV Graphics adica Chitu Razvan Video Graphics (momentan 1 membru, in viitor un imperiu : D) are drept obiectiv atragerea de proiecte si clienti. Pentru a convinge lumea sa apeleze la CRVG e nevoie de lucrari, lucrari care sunt adunate intr-un portofoliu cat mai bogat. Blogul de fata reprezinta portofoliul CRV Graphics (in viitor se va transforma intr-un site in toata regula) la care se lucreaza de dimineata pana seara (uneori si in somn...mai mereu de fapt) pentru a realiza cele mai frumoase lucrari. Cine a urmarit blogul de la inceputul lui a putut observa imbunatatirea constanta de la un proiect la altul. Scopul este sa devina cel mai bun dintre cei mai buni.

Specialitatea casei este editarea si grafica video. Dar nu poti face mare lucru in acest domeniu daca nu ai cunostinte si de alte programe din domenii putin diferite. Ma refer aici si la fotografie si grafica foto si programe 3d. Drept urmare CRVG si-a bagat coada si prin programele de specialitate dedicate fotografiei (3d ceva mai tarziu, dar se va ajunge si acolo) si astfel poate oferi servicii de inalta calitate.
Ceea ce ati vazut pana acum pe blog este creatie persoanala, mai putin rubrica Dupa Tutoriale unde dupa cum reiese si din titlu, tehnicile si ideile sunt 'copiate'.

Blogul acesta se doreste a fi un punct de referinta in alegerea CRV Graphics pentru a va crea vizual ceea ce vreti sa exprimati sau sa promovati. In curand va exista si o rubrica cu numele de Servicii unde se va clarifica tot ce ofera CRVG.

In continuare pe blog vor apare treptat tutoriale video in limba romana, pentru cei care sunt pasionati de programe de genul After Effects si nu prea stiu ei limba engleza sau nu au timp sa invete din carti, vor aparea concursuri (unde nu aveti decat de castigat, nimic de pierdut) si poate ceva mai tarziu si o emisiune. Toate la timpul lor. Pana atunci insa, va invit sa vedeti ultimul meu proiect, o prezentare a acestui blog:


CRV Graphics, i mean Chitu Razvn Video Graphics (only one member for now, an empire in the future :D) has as objective the cunning style of projects and customers. For people’s persuasion to appeal to CRVG are needed works, works which are gathered in one amply portofolio. This blog represents CRV Graphics portofolio (in the future it will be a real site) at which it is working from morning till evening (sometimes even in my sleep...always actually) with the purpose to realize the most beautiful works. Who ever watched the blog since its beginning could notice the constant improvement from one project to another.The purpose is to become the best from the bestest.

Home’s speciality is video editing and graphics motion. But you can’t make such a deal in this domain if you don’t own knowledge about some other programs from different domains. I’m also talking about photography, photo graphic and 3D programs. As it follows, CRVG also poke his tale  into the speciality programs devoted to photography (3D a little bit later, but it will go there) and so can offer high-quality services. What have you seen on the blog till now is personal creation, less After Tutorials (Dupa Tutoriale) column, also as the title shows, the techniques and the main ideas are copied.

This blog is wished to be an exactly reference in choosing  CRV Graphics for visual creating  what you want to express or to promote. Soon there will also be a column named „Services”(Servicii) where it will be very clear what CRVG offers.

Next on blog will appear step by step  romanian video tutorials, for the ones which are passionated by programs like After Effects and they don’t actually know english or don’t have time to learn the language, will appear contests (from where you have only to win, nothing to lose) and maybe a little bit later a tv show. Once at a time. Until there, i invite you to watch my last project, a blog’s presentation:

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Numa bine!

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See ya!

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